I like what the New Living Translation says in relation to this first trait. "For an elder must be a man whose life cannot be spoken against." 1 Tim.3:2 This, as John Stott says, "does not mean he is without sin". It simply means that those who know him, know that he is one who can be trusted because his life has been one of honesty and integrity.
Someone has said, "I lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter". The man of God described by Paul will stand for what matters in this life. He will speak up when the poor are being taken advantage of in this world. He will speak up for the unborn because they can't speak up for themselves.
Gene Wilkes, the author of, Jesus On Leadership, has said, "A follower of Christ who seeks to lead like Jesus must be willing to be treated like Jesus. Some will follow. Others will throw stones". Paul understood this. He was left for dead. He was whipped. Wild animals chased him. A snake bit him. He was ship wrecked. All these things happened because he was willing to stand for Jesus.
As I write this, there is a minister of the gospel in prison in Iran who is to be put to death because he refuses to renounce Jesus as his Lord and savior. He is taking a stand.
Christian men need to speak up today as never before. We must speak the truth. But we must also do it in love. Those that know the man of God will know if he meets this criteria. His reputation will be known and respected.
I have been preaching for over thirty years now. I remember at the out set of my preaching many were concerned about leadership. Today nothing has changed. We are still in a leadership crisis.
Men, are you men of God. We need to standup like never before. Not just in our churches or homes but also in our communities. It is past time to stand up.
Just as I recommended a book last week. I would refer you to a new movie that has just opened up around the country entitled, COURAGEOUS. Google it and blessed. It is about being the man of God that God wants us to be. It is made by the makers of Fireproof, Facing The Giants and Flywheel. Do a Google and be blessed!
God bless,
Gerry Parker